Please know you are always welcome at Zion Lutheran Church.
Zion is a 150 year old joyful and diverse congregation that continues to look for new ways to celebrate and share Christ.
Blessings and peace!
-Pastor Seeber
Lenten Worship -- Wednesdays at Noon and 6:30pm
This year we use familiar themes from The Wizard of OZ to reflect on the impossible journey that Jesus made possible as he traveled to Jerusalem and beyond ... for us!
Families and Children
Our ministry with families and children are one of the strengths of Zion ... Friends of Jesus Preschool, Sunday School, Confirmation, Servant trips, Parent support groups, small groups, Bible classes, activities, and more. Contact Aaron Grube our Director of Christian Education for any questions and feel free to come and join our happy family.
If you'd prefer to have the Harbinger E-Mailed to you, please contact
Find Us
Zion Lutheran Church
2122 Bronson Blvd.
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008
Office: (269) 382-2360