What We Believe
As Christians we believe that the Bible reveals God’s love, guidance and nurture for his people. We believe God created all things and gives Creation its purpose. We believe Jesus is God-in-the-flesh. His life, death, and resurrection is a gift to restore our relationship with God and each other. We believe the Holy Spirit is God’s presence in our lives and world today, gifting us with faith, hope, and love.
As Lutherans we further believe that "grace, faith, and scripture alone" are primary gifts of God to his Church. Grace alone means the undeserved love of God, as revealed through Jesus and powered by His Holy Spirit. Faith alone is the means by which we know and remain in relationship with God, rather than anything we might do to earn or merit God’s attention or love. Scripture is God’s revelation of his purpose and plan, and the primary means by which He reveals this to us.
We aspire to be a welcoming and growing community in Christ, proving daily opportunities to live, learn and share His Love.
We believe God has gathered us together as a congregation to:
participate in ministry within our community and world
celebrate our new life in Christ through daily and corporate worship
nourish the spiritual lives of our members through Word and Sacrament
lead others to faith in Jesus Christ through the witness of our lives
support the ministry of Christ Jesus throughout the world
prepare each member for an eternal life with God